22 Jul Summer Lovin’: Home Edition
With summer time here, especially on the Crystal Coast, it’s time to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Days out in the water, out on the boat or maybe you don’t like the sand and all the trouble of parking, so you opt out for the pool instead. Whether you prefer being out on the boat or staying in the air conditioning, for that matter, now is the prime season to get any needed outdoor home repairs accomplished. We don’t have the extra worry some areas of the country are faced with as far as dealing with damage or leaks from a winter full of snowfall, but we have our own problems just the same. So what are some of the things you should possibly address while the weather is permitting?
One of the things we get here on the coast is plenty of wind and storms. Now that the sunshine will allow, it’s probably a good time to repair any of your outdoor damage that you otherwise may have been putting off. Things like missing shingles, broken window seals or shutters, or maybe you’re gutters just need a good overhaul of a clean. Even if you’re fortunate enough to not be facing any damage/repair tasks, it might be a good idea to hire someone for some simple power washing on the old homestead. With the combination we’re faced around here with the moisture along with the added bonus of the salt air, it’s good to give your home a good scrub down just as a preventative measure for any damage down the road, in the form of mildew and the like. It’s easier to prevent it now rather than deal with a more discouraging and costly repair in the future.
Other things to take a look at are any wood structures such as porch steps/railings that are starting to succumb to the moisture/sun combination our area is known for. If it’s something smaller like a window sill or the like it might even be a quick, easy fix if you’ve caught it in time. There are a variety of wood fillers and epoxies on the market these days that can save you time and money if otherwise left untreated. That’s really the reason you should take care of it now, if you wait to get to it later, it may be too late.
We’ve got a neverending list of things that make the Outer Banks and our homes here so wonderful, but there are just as many things that can make this area tough at times. We don’t have the worry of a harsh winter to worry about for example, but it’s easier to take care of an outdated HVAC system now, while you can open some windows for an ocean breeze, rather than wait to freeze when it goes out in the winter. So take the time to give your home a little bit of TLC now, while the weather is nice, so you can avoid any costly and more untimely repairs for another time. This way you’re busy soaking up the sun, rather than making otherwise avoidable calls to the repairman this summer.